Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Melanie, And I... Our Place!!!!..

Melanie,and I were talking at work, and she said that I WANT TO GO CLIMBING!!!!.. So we made plans to go the next day, that was the holiday Monday. I was pretty stoked to get her out there again. I showed her how to belay, so that I could lead. We went to Murrin Park, for that part of the lesson. We were at Melanies, favourite crag the Sugerloaf. After I climbed to the top, and put in all the gear she came up after me, and took it all out. After awhile it got pretty crowded and we decided to go check out the Ammo Wall, an area that has just been developed. It has some lead friendly bolted routes. We tried one that was about 28meters, and it had 4 bolts and then two big ones for the anchor. It was awesome the first part was a steep bulge, and then you get up into the slab, with little edges. We got to the top of that one, and then I showed Melanie, how to rappel down. She was very happy with her accomplishment, and the big smile on her face told me everything.. After that she wanted to top rope the same one. She did it twice, and when she came back down to the ground, she said ya!! know what?.. This is OUR PLACE!!!.. It was so nice to be there, because we were the only ones there. That made her feel very confident, relaxed. It was her day, she climbed well for her second time out. She was happy about what she had done, and I myself was very impressed with her effort. It was an AWESOME!! day lots of fun being out there with her, and showing her the ropes..

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