Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adventures With Melanie, On the Amo Wall.. To the Top!!..


It's so cool to climb with you ...we always have a lot of fun.
I am really excited that we found the "Melly Rock" ;-) at the Shannon Falls...I really love these SPOT!!!!
You know I am fear of heights ... but well.... it gets from climb to climb better
because of you a great teacher ;-) I hope i will get perfect, so i can teach someone when I am back in Germany 'just kidding' ! Next week ... we Rock the Rocks again, Buddy .... !!!! RIGHT ON ...... !!!! The Amo Wall adventure was awesome, We did three pitches, and made it to the top. We sat up there and enjoyed the view, of Howe Sound. Melanie was awesome, she was as cool as a cucumber, following the three pitches. She was as solid as a rock!!. She looked so great up there, confident about what she was doing and where she was. She was so great at figuring out where her feet were supposed to be, and where her hands were.. It was alot of fun climbing up there. With bolts every 2, to 3, ft it was great fun... The slabs were gentle, and rolling, with a few divots here and there.. The foot placements were very secure.. All in all the Amo Wall is a great place to climb on bolts.. Alot of fun awesome climbing, the exposure, is very friendly.. Like it alot and I will be back.. Way to go Squamish!!!... A beginner friendly area!!...

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