Friday, November 6, 2009

Chums A Plenty...

Last Sunday me, Jonathon, and Derick, were fishing the lower Squamish for those fiesty chums that come around once a year. We found a zone that they were moving through allday. We had one of our best days ever in two years. We must have hooked up on at least thirty or more, and most of them were very clean. The water clarity was less than perfect, with no visibility at all. We could not believe the amount of fish that were coming through, jonathon and I had a couple of double headers, that was fun. It was a really nice day, the sun was out and it was a warm day. I'm hoping that this was the beginning, of the run. It was a great day and lots of fun was had by all... The fly patterns that we were using due to the water clarity, were dark patterns, so that they would show up in the coloured water. Jonathon was using size two, flies and he was hooking up on lots. Derick was using a pink prawn pattern, and then he switched over to something darker. I tied up some intruder, style flies in black, and they worked well. I also had some action with my blue bomber, pattern, that I tied on a big long shanked bartleet hook. Those Chummies, pound for pound, put up a great fight, on the fly...

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