Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fishing On The Wild Side... The First Float Of 2009.

Today I decided to float the Squamish, from about 25 mile, down to the Ashlu bridge. It was great to fish the river, on the other side. I was on the river at 8:30 am, it was a nice day to be out. I found a few dollies, and bulls, that wanted to come out and bite my flies. The fly choices today, were black bunny strip sculpin intruders, a greyish white bunny strip egg sucking leach type intruder pattern. And a fly that I haden't ever used before, it was a wine coloured spey hackle, with purple marabou and a small amount of flash. The water was a little coloured just enough so that any fish would not be spooked. I haven't floated the river in two years, so I made a day of it. I had to drop off my boat, where I started and then drive back down to the pull out spot, and then ride my bike back to the drop in , and begin my float down the river. It was a fun day, a few fish, and a great way to see the river....

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