Thursday, August 18, 2011


The Top Rod Flyfishing Club made an appearance on the river the last few weekends and made a bit of a commotion. The cast of characters, are Stefan Bulowski, Melanie Biemanne, Brian Mcnaughton, Jonathon Barlow, and Andy Racz. All members were cacthing lots of fish, and having a blast. As the fishing commences, our newest member did very well hooking up on fish after fish, and landing them all on her own.. What a show. I gave her some instruction on how to land them and she did very well, Melanie impressed me every time she hooked up.. Her casting was awesome and her determination was fierce.. Archie, and his wife were out there and they did well, his wife Lynne, and Melanie were catching alot this one day and we called it ladies day!!. Melanie said I can't remember when I had this year so much fun at all!!. What do I need more as great salmon catches, and a sunburn for free!.. There you have it coming from the Flyfishing Guru from Germany..

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