Monday, August 29, 2011

Fishing With New Friends, And Old Friends...

Tight lines lots of fun and some awesome company. I took Marie, out to catch a few pinks on the lower Squamish. What a blast I had tons of fun, she had never flyfished before and she was very eager to get out there and try it. I did my usual and taught her the basics of casting and she did the rest. I couldn't believe how fast she learned. It was a great day, eventhough I didn't even cast a line that much. It was warm and sunny. It's great because I am off for a week, and having some new friends and old friends, out on the river is all that counts. I invited Dave, Andrea, Holden and Avery to come and try some fishing. It was great to finally get them out there and watch them hook up on a few. I ran into lots of other people that I haven't seen for awhile. My good buddy Cliff, even showed up and it was great to see him as well. Kirt an old buddy of mine from way back came up a few times and it was good to see him as well.. It was a social event all in all, and that's what makes it so much fun to hang out with everyone.

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