Thursday, July 23, 2009

Waiting for The Pinks To arrive..

I'm waiting for the pinks to come up the Squamish River. I am hoping that the run will be a strong one, with lots of fish. It's always fun to go down to the river, because you always see someone you, know. I like to go down to the mouth of the Mamquam where it runs into the Squamish. I usually go out first thing in the morning when there are no crowds. I get the best spot, or my favourite spot and catch tons of fish. Sometimes I try the floating line, instead of the sink tip. I think that I will float the river, a few times so that I can get away from the crowds, and have some space to myself. I'm hoping for a good return this year. I'm also hoping that they open it so that you, can take at least one fish for the BBQ... That would be great. Beers and BBQed, Pink Salmon. Awesome... It is official Jurgen, and Wolfgang are coming to Squamish. It will be a fun week, I am looking forward to showing them around and taking them fishing. It will be great to hang with the German Dudes!!..

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