Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Fishing Adventure With John.

Well it's Thursday afternoon, and i'm looking forward to playing the guide for a day. I've been looking forward to taking John, out on the river for a little flyfishing. We will meet up on Friday, morning and drive up to the upper Squamish, to about the powerhouse channel. We will either walk up to 24 mile, or we will go in at about high falls creek. Wherever we decide to start we will be fishing some really good water, where we should find a few dollies, and or some BIG bull trout. I have tied some new patterns that should catch fish. I'm hoping that the water temperature, isn't to cold because the fish will be active and more aggressive, when coming to the fly. I'm going to guide John for awhile, and hopefully he will catch a nice dolly, all on his own. All I'm going to do is show him where to cast. It will be alot of fun, hanging out on the river with John. I on the other hand have not been out for a month and I'm happy to be going out, to throw a fly around. More to come later.

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