Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Cold Wet Day On The Bulkley River. Fishing With The German Dudes!!!!!.

On Wednesday, we made plans to go fish with two German, guys that we met on tuesday, while Andy and I were out fishing. We all met in downtown Smithers, because Andy, and I were going into one of the tackle shops. I had to go and buy some replacement tips, for my spey line, and then it was off to the river, for another days fishing. We met up with Wolfgang, and Jurgen, and then decided where to go. We fished up above, Telkwa for awhile, and then in the afternoon we, decided to go to Ebenezer, to see if we might find a few steelhead, moving through. We a stayed there until about dark, and then headed back to the motel, to put our gear away and then it was off to the Alpenhorn, with Wolfgang, and Jurgen, for a huge meal. It was a fun day, I had a great time showing Jurgen, some casting tips. The next day was Thursday, it was colder all day, and it even decided to snow a little bit. Unfortunatly for me the water temperature, was very cold so I had trouble getting those fiesty, Bulkley River, steelhead to bite. We are going out with Jurgen, and Wolfgang, for dinner tonight at the Mexican, Restaurant. It should be fun, just like last night. I might even fish on Friday, Im not sure yet. It has been a fun trip, we have seen lots of the same people from last year. And we have hooked into many steelhead!!!!!!!!.

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