Friday, October 17, 2008

A Summary Of The 2008 Bulkley River Adventure Friday October 17th.

It was a fantastic trip, with lots of fish action. The numbers of fish were there. The people that we met were great, the weather for the most part was good. During the first week, there were lots of people out on the river. There was alot of boats going up and down the river as well. As the end of the first week, came closer the amount of fishing pressure lightened up. As the second week, started there was hardly anyone out in the spots that we fished. The river stayed in great shape, and didn't colour up at all. The fly choices were lots of dark patterns, such as black, and combinations of black and blue together, with a little bit of flash on them. Black and chartreuse, together, black and orange, purple with orange, all of these flies were of the intruder style, tied on small size waddington shanks. Sink tips in the type 6, and type 3, were the most effective ways to get the fly down to most of the willing takers. The amount of fish in the two weeks that we were here, between two of us totaled up to somewhere around 80, steelhead hooked. That is alot of steelhead in one river. I never thought that we could find so many fish in my wildest dreams. The Bulkley River, is truly an awesome river, when the fish are in and the numbers are there. This will always be a river I will fish every year. The quality of fish, and the size of fish, Are absolutely incredible. They fight hard and jump the odd time, and run into your backing from time to time. These steelhead are some of the strongest, I have ever had the pleasure of having at the end of my line. Well that summs up the Bulkley River, trip up here in SMITHERS, BC,.........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Cold Wet Day On The Bulkley River. Fishing With The German Dudes!!!!!.

On Wednesday, we made plans to go fish with two German, guys that we met on tuesday, while Andy and I were out fishing. We all met in downtown Smithers, because Andy, and I were going into one of the tackle shops. I had to go and buy some replacement tips, for my spey line, and then it was off to the river, for another days fishing. We met up with Wolfgang, and Jurgen, and then decided where to go. We fished up above, Telkwa for awhile, and then in the afternoon we, decided to go to Ebenezer, to see if we might find a few steelhead, moving through. We a stayed there until about dark, and then headed back to the motel, to put our gear away and then it was off to the Alpenhorn, with Wolfgang, and Jurgen, for a huge meal. It was a fun day, I had a great time showing Jurgen, some casting tips. The next day was Thursday, it was colder all day, and it even decided to snow a little bit. Unfortunatly for me the water temperature, was very cold so I had trouble getting those fiesty, Bulkley River, steelhead to bite. We are going out with Jurgen, and Wolfgang, for dinner tonight at the Mexican, Restaurant. It should be fun, just like last night. I might even fish on Friday, Im not sure yet. It has been a fun trip, we have seen lots of the same people from last year. And we have hooked into many steelhead!!!!!!!!.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


On saturday we had a great day. Between Andy, and myself we hooked into 12, fish and landed a few. We were fishing around the Ebeneezer, area. When we went to Ebeneezer, in the afternoon I had three on and almost landed one.It was a superb day. Sunday was a great day as well, I had the biggest steelhead, that ran so far down river, that it was into my backing before I new it. I had to run after it to regain my line. It was I would figure an easy 18, pounder. An awesome battle, a powerful fish, And a lot of fun on the fly. That was the highlight of the trip so far.We also met two germans that were fishing in the same spot. I was giving one of them a lesson, and some advice on spey casting, and helping him set up his line with a sink tip. It was fun for me to share some of my knowledge, and showing someone how to cast the line to get the best drift, and action on the fly, to get a steelhead to strike.We have a week to go, I have documented the last two days....

Friday, October 10, 2008


Today was a good day. We had 4 fish on and Andy, landed one and I landed another. For me it was alot better than yesterday, I didnt have a hit all day. I got my fish up above Telkwa, and Andy got his just a little bit below. Both were nice strong fighting steelhead.We went to the Alpenhorn Pub, for another great meal.It seems that wherever we go, it seems we are getting to know alot of the locals.Today we talked to an older guy from the Island that bought a place right on the river, he had fished the river for years.It was a great day, because we landed two nice steelhead.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 4 The Steelhead Search Continues

We found a few more steelhead, that wanted to come out and play. We fished the usual spots. And enjoyed being out on the river, as usual. After fishing we went for dinner, and as we were sitting there having a nice cold beer, Andy, and I were talking about how great it was to be back up on the Bulkley, fishing again. It was almost like it was to good to be true, that we were up north casting our lines

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today was another great day on the river. I hooked my third steelhead of the trip, in just as many days. I think that these fish are camera shy, because they throw the fly. Anyway thats the way fishing goes. I saw jonathon at the smithers bridge this afternoon, and we talked for awhile. And then Andy and I went to fish at Telkwa. I can tell that there are a few more steelhead in the system, this year. It is alot better than last year. The fly colours of choice were black and purple, marabou mixed, and purple with a bit of flash. Im still trying to land one, hopefully it will happen soon. The last spot of the day that Andy and I fished I was into a casting rhythm that i've never had before. I worked a long wide run sending perfect casts out into the river, and letting them swing through. I was most impressed with the 15 ft, gloomis 10/11 weight spey rod, the power it had to send the line out was amazing. It was a great day and fun was had by all. Good bye for now . Stefan, AKA Mr. Spey and Andy, AKA Mr. simms.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bulkley River Adventure Day 2

Today we fished above Telkwa. There was some nice water up there but we didnt find any fish. We hooked fish just above the Telkwa bridge. We then continued to fish below the bridge. Lots of nice looking water but we didnt find the elusive steelhead that we were looking for. The day itself was great. We saw lots of fisherman out there and there were lots of fish that were caught. When we arrived back at the vehicle at Telkwa I saw Frank and one of the other Whistler guides. We had a few words and headed back to our motel in Smithers. We hung up our gear and headed for the Alpenhorn Pub for dinner. WHAT A DAY!!!!!!.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bulkley River Flyfishing Adventure 2008

Andy and I once again find ourselves on the banks of the Bulkley River. Our first day on the river we hooked into a bunch of fish. It was agreat start to our trip. Its sunday night and we are back at the motel and andy is tying up a fly that we named the bukley bugger. It caught a few fish. We fished above Telkwa and down below. The river is in great shape. And there are fish around. We saw a few other fish caught. We talked to other fisherman that hooked fish as well. It was good news all the way around. The weather has been good since we arrived. Not to cold not to hot. Im happy to be up here in the north country its the best place ever.