Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Big Wall Adventure In Yosemite California.

Two years ago I had an amazing opportunity to go to yosemite national park. The adventure started in squamish, where i met up with John. He arrived at my place and we packed the van and headed to vancouver, to pick up Brett at the airport. Upon finding Brett, we loaded his stuff into the van, and we hit the road. The drive down was fun cruising, and listening to great toons along the way. We each took turns driving every so often. We made a few stops along the way, for food. When we finally arrived in Yosemite, it was an amazing sight. Seeing EL Cap as we rounded a corner, it was the highest wall that I have ever seen in my life. We parked the van, on the side of the road by the meadow. We jumped out of the van, and looked up at EL Cap, from the ground. we enjoyed hanging out for awhile, and deciding what route we should climb. We decided to do Tangerine Trip. After all that was decided we headed to Camp 4, to get our gear together. Camp 4 is the classic campground in the valley, where all the hardcore climbers hung out in the 60's. For the next four days, after that we were on the biggest piece of stone I had ever been on. We climbed higher, and higher, and it seemed as if it would never end. It was so steep, and overhanging, that I was so far out there that I couldn't reach out and touch the wall. The whole time I was up there, the view was getting better, and better. It was great to be up there, hanging out on the portaledges in the evening a half mile above the valley floor. John and Brett, were fun to be up there with. Brett and I got along well organizing stuff before I jugged the line, and Brett cleaned the pitch. John climbed fast and made short work, of every pitch. John had every angle covered for this trip. When we topped out it was exciting to be up there 2000 feet above the ground. I was the last one to come up and over the top. I stood there suspended above the ground, feeling on top of the world. We hung out on top for awhile in need of lots of water and something to eat. We took the summit shots, and did the handshakes and the congratulations, to oneanother. After that we hiked down to the classic camp spot, where Jim Bridwell, Billy Westbay, and John Long camped out. It was a tough hike down, the east ledges decent trail. We arrived at the van and had a beer and took some more pictures, we celebrated the climb, once again. All of us piled into the van and headed to curry village for lots of food, and more beer. On our last night we went to to The Awhanee Hotel, to have another huge meal in one of the nicer places . This was without a doubt the best trip i've ever done, and the most incredible expierence of my climbing life. The next morning it was back to vancouver, and the airport so that Brett, could get his flight back to saskatoon. Then John and I headed back up to good old Squamish. WHAT A TRIP IT WAS!!!!!!!.

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