Friday, August 29, 2008

journey to the bulkley river

last october i went to the bulkley river. i went with andy and we met up with jonathan and paul. we stayed at the florence motel on highway 16 in smithers. it was a nice motel and it was conveniently located within walking distance from main st. and all the restaurants we went to. the alpenhorn pub was the one place we went to more than once. the main drag reminded me alot of cleveland avenue in squamish. we fished the bulkley river for the better part of the trip. fishing for those bulkley steelhead wasnt easy but we managed to find some willing takers. andy had the first one on the fly. he hooked it down below the smithers bridge. it was a big steelhead a chrome bright slab that jumped out of the water about ten or twelve times. it broke off and that was it. andy hooked afew more on drift gear. i was trying to catch them on the fly. i finally caught my first one in a nice long run below telkwa. it took one of my marabou pixie patterns. it hit hard it ran and jumped a couple of times. i landed it and released it. what a fish. i hooked a few more and i landed one more nice fish not as big as the first one but it was another great memory of the mighty bulkley river. i will be going back there in october 2008 for another steelhead adventure. i really liked casting my flies in all those wide open runs and long riffles. we also fished the copper river and the kispiox river. we stayed one night in the sportsmans lodge on the kispiox. it was a nice a frame cabin with a rustic look inside we had agreat meal in the lodge and we met some really nice people that worked there. it was well worth it and lots of fun.

1 comment:

chris said...

hey stefan do you know john gale?