Friday, May 10, 2013

Exploring The Cheakamus River..

I have not yet been able too get up to the upper Squamish yet, so I have been fishing the Cheakumas River. I have been finding fish down around the Chair Run, and the Powerline Run, and one other spot that my buddy Clint calls the Frogmen Run, a nice run up against a cutbank that I did pull out a couple of fish. All these spots are really nice runs, good swing water!!!.. That's what you want. I fished some spots above Sunwolf, that produced some action. Usually I fish big intruder's, but these days I have been fishing some flesh flies, white and grey and coral and white, those dollies seem too like those colours.. It's been fun to explore the Cheakumas, but it's time to head for the upper squamish and fish some bigger water, and swing some bigger flies..

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