Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Guide Files.. 1. 2013..

Here are some clients I had taken out, with Pat, one of the other guides that we have.. I took some out on my own as well...

Record Breaking Pink Run.. 2013.

This Years Pink run started in mid July, and went right through till just about October. It was fun out there because I started guiding, and that was great taking people out from all over. I had people from Texas, Arkansas, Boston, and Nova Scotia. Some of them had fly fished, before and some had not. I did 2 schools on the river and my clients were very surprised at how easy it was 2 hook up on a fish. The usual response would be is it like this all the time??.. I would say only when u r fishing for pinks. It seemed that the fun would never stop. These are some more cool shots, some are clients, some aren't...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cast n Blast, 2013..

The Cast n Blast went off without a hitch this year. It was a great success and everyone had a great time. Brian did a fantastic job putting it all together, and making it work. This year we had the tent set up and had some great films too check out. There was also some flytying, with Stu Foxhall, Mike Orlowski. I was in the Iron Fly competition, that was a fun.. The rules were that you Had 10min, too come up with the coolest fly and maybe win the Iron Fly trophy, Captain Kirk took the honours and was the victor too hold the trophy for the next year. There were all sorts of speakers, and seminars and also test casting the rods out on the grass. Oh yeah the flycasting mini golf as well.. All in all it was a great event and the venue at Sunwolf was the best place for it, right alongside the Cheakamus River.. Good times as allways, looking forward 2 next year...

Exploring The Cheakamus River..

I have not yet been able too get up to the upper Squamish yet, so I have been fishing the Cheakumas River. I have been finding fish down around the Chair Run, and the Powerline Run, and one other spot that my buddy Clint calls the Frogmen Run, a nice run up against a cutbank that I did pull out a couple of fish. All these spots are really nice runs, good swing water!!!.. That's what you want. I fished some spots above Sunwolf, that produced some action. Usually I fish big intruder's, but these days I have been fishing some flesh flies, white and grey and coral and white, those dollies seem too like those colours.. It's been fun to explore the Cheakumas, but it's time to head for the upper squamish and fish some bigger water, and swing some bigger flies..

Totems, Kingfisher's.. Squamish River April 14th 2013..

The Totems, and Kingfisher's had their outing on the Squamish river, and I went  too join them for the bbq, down at the Ashlu Campsite. I went up early and ran into Jonathon at 27mile, and we fished most of the day and I hooked up with a nice size Bully too start the day off right. As luck would have it that was the only fish that we got between us. It was a nice sunny day and it was great too be out fishing with Jonathon. We ran into some of the other guys, and at the bbq, at the campground the results were in as to how everyone did. There were a few Steelhead hooked up on in other areas of the river. That was good to hear with the amount of guys out there. It was good too see Terry, and Ralph and have some good conversation. There was some casting practice going on with bamboo rods that some of the guys were fishing with. The food was great, and fun was had!!..

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stu Foxall Flytying Course..

A couple weeks ago I went too a flytying course at Sunwolf hosted by Whistler Flyfishing, as part of the Cast and Blast.. It was at Sunwolf on the banks of the cheakamus River in Squamish.. The evening consisted of tying flies using different materials and techniques to make the fly look big and buggy to the eye. There were five of us sitting around a table and given all the materials too tie the fly that Stuart was showing us. It was a step by step instruction that enabled us to tie the fly using materials in dubbing loops. The first one was a Steelhead Intruder. The second one was called the Squamish Prawn, on a tube. It was a great instructional tying course. Here are pictures of the finished flies, that I tied..