Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chum Run, 2012..

This year showed a remarcable comeback in the amount of chum salmon that graced us with their presence. I had lots of good days, swinging big flies and hooking up on lots of those bad boys. I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun out there. Andy, and Kyle were getting some great action as well. Kyle was a little new too the swinging fly routine, and catching a ton of big chum, he soon realized just how much fun it was. We had some nice days and some realy ugly rainy days but it was all good.. I gave kyle a lesson in two handed casting and before I could blink an eye he was putting out 70ft casts.. Awesome to see. He bought a nice rod reel, and line setup, and is now ready too fish steelhead, dollies and big bug bull trout in the upper squamish.. I hope that the future years are as good, as this one..

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