Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Annual North Shore Fish and Game Club Chum Derby and Spey Demo...

The N.S.F.G.C, held the first annual chum derby and spey demo. Cliff asked me too do the demo and it was alot of fun showing the guys what speyfishing was all about. And explaining how it makes life easier on the river, and is less tiring on the body, and also how you can cover more water in a single cast. The day started at 7:30am, and as everyone was getting organized, I gave a brief discussion on how it all works. We met at Judd Rd, at Fisherman's Park, a popular spot with easy access too the river. We set up at the sandy bar, and soon I had a group around me and I was showing them the casts, and how they work too get the line out into the river.. Afew of the guys allready had spey rods, so they were asking me questions and getting alittle more knowledge. I let some of the guys try it that didn't know how too and they had a blast learning something new. One guy I showed said that he had so much fun getting a lesson that he was going too get a set up of his own. That's pretty cool!!.. As the day went on some of the guys tried too get that all important chum to win the derby and claim his prize. That didn't happen where we were, but three other members were fishing where the Cheakamus, runs into the Squamish and had lots of fish on there, and at the Native run at the reserve area. They came back with the pics of the biggest fish to win the coveted prize, and stand victorious.. We had a bbq, that consisted of smokies and a can of pop. What a day it was super fun. And my buddy Cliff did a great job putting the whole thing 2gether.. It was great to see him and all the other guys that I new back when I was a member of the club..

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chum Run, 2012..

This year showed a remarcable comeback in the amount of chum salmon that graced us with their presence. I had lots of good days, swinging big flies and hooking up on lots of those bad boys. I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun out there. Andy, and Kyle were getting some great action as well. Kyle was a little new too the swinging fly routine, and catching a ton of big chum, he soon realized just how much fun it was. We had some nice days and some realy ugly rainy days but it was all good.. I gave kyle a lesson in two handed casting and before I could blink an eye he was putting out 70ft casts.. Awesome to see. He bought a nice rod reel, and line setup, and is now ready too fish steelhead, dollies and big bug bull trout in the upper squamish.. I hope that the future years are as good, as this one..