Friday, May 11, 2012

Close Encounters With Dollies, And Bull Trout.. Upper Squamish.

I finally got the chance to take Marie, to the upper Squamish to fish for Dollies, and Bulltrout on the fly. It was a nice spring morning, we met and grabbed that all important cup of coffe at Bean Around The World and then to go get her liscence, and then up to the river and have a nice day.  We hadn't fished together since Pink season so I figured I might have to give her a few xtra pointers on casting... I was wrong she remembered everything I told her, and it didn't take long for her to get hooked up with a nice bully, land it. Of course that was the big one and as they say the big ones don't like getting photograghed, it slid out of her grasp and away it went back to where it lived. We had the chance to see it and she was super excited about it so back in the water she went to hook up on another one. And as luck would have it there were a couple more in there that were willing to bite. Not as big but just as exciting for her. I knew that there would be a few fish around I showed her where to cast and she did the rest.. The river was in good shape, the visibilty was great, and it was cool enough but not to cool. At the end of the day she had four on and landed three, and had numorous bites along the way.. It was a great day, and we had lots of fun...

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