Saturday, July 17, 2010

Island Lake 2010. The Gang!!...

I just spent a week up at Island Lake, with Andy. We met Russell, jeff, Kris, Spencer, and Jorden, along with Scott, Rob, and Denise, and my friend Dave. It was great fun fishing with all of them. The fishing started off kind of slow, but it got better as the week went on. Andy and I had some great days with some good numbers of fish. We fished chironimids, alot and did well with that. I fished a halfback on a full sinking line, and a bloodworm, under the indicator on the floating line. I tried alittle dry fly fishing in the evenings and did ok, with that. We had some great weather, pretty hot!!. It was a great relaxing week of fishing, socializing, and a few cold beers. It was great to see everyone after a year. I will look forward to seeing the Island Lake gang next year..

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