Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Try On Ivey Lake..

Bryan, and I did another trip up to Ivey Lake. We were out there early, and fished most of the day. When we arrived there we were the only ones on the lake. Because it was a weekday we figured that we would have the whole lake all to ourselves. A couple of other guys showed up that we had met the weekend before. It was like everybody new eachother, and it was all good fun. We trolled around alot With flies under the indicator. I had a lot of hits, and didn't connect until later on in the afternoon. Bryan, hooked up on a nice 20inch, rainbow and had a little fight on his hands. He landed the fish, and he was pretty happy, about it. I landed one as well it was the same size, and put up a good fight. It was a nice day, the lake was calm for most of it. That made it easy to troll, or just sit there with a chironimid, and not move at all. I did get a couple of good hits on a brown chironimid, and lots on the pumpkin fly. I landed my fish on a brown one. It was tough fishing because we didn't see anything on the surface, so we didn't know exactly what to use. It was by guess, and by golly, that method seemed to work. It paid off and it was another fun day. Tight lines were had...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Out On The Lake Again.. Big Sky Country!!!....

It was about time to dust off the lake fishing gear and get out there!!.. The destination of choice was Blackwater, and Ivey lakes. Two fun lakes that usually produce some good action. I went with Bryan, we got out on Blackwater in the morning, and trolled around and had some action. Bryan landed a few fish, and was pretty stoked to be there. I myself had a few hits but could not connect. After fishing that lake for awhile we decided to try for some bigger fish on Ivey Lake. We fished the remainder of the day there and had some hits. Bryan was using an indicater on floating line, and managed to pick one up about 18, inches a nice fish he got on a purple micro leach. He had another hit as we were coming back in to end the day. I had a few more hits but there again could not connect. It was a fun outing, and I was happy to see Bryan pick up a nice fish... It was nice to fish those lakes again. Relaxing on a nice sunny day, chilli'n on the pontoon boat, and chucking flies around..

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Floating, The River, Swinging Big Flies..

I met Brian, early on Saturday morning and we went up to the upper Squamish, to do a float. We started at 27,mile and ended up at the Ashlu Bridge. It was brian's first time floating a river, and after alittle instruction from me, he got the hang of it. It was a nice sunny day, warm and just a great day to be out on the river. We ran into Pat a guide, from Whistler, Flyfishing, and his friend from Calgary. We hung out and talked for awhile, it was a real social event. Brian, and I decided that it was time to get moving and hit some other spots before it got to late. It was getting to the end of our float, and we finally found a few dollies, around the Goat Run, and one other zone at about 22mile. Brian was pretty stoked about getting out there, and he was more than happy to land a dolly. We pulled out at the bridge, and had something to eat, and a beer to end a great day on the river...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's About Time!!!..

It was a nice day on the river, with Jonathon, and Brian. We met at my house and headed out for a day on the Squamish River. We started at 24,mile and fished the top of the run and I had a couple of hits, on the way down. After that we went up and fished 28,mile and that's when it happend!!.. I went up and fished the riffle water, while Brian, was in the mid section of the run, and Jonathon was at the tailout. I cast my big blue marabou, rabbit strip fly accross stream and let it swing around and hooked up on a nice steelhead of about 10 to 12lbs. It fought hard, and broke the surface a few times. I just had to say IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!.. Brian said it was the most exciting experience, to see a steelhead up close. Jonathon, said that I am a steelhead god!!!... What a great day, it was.. Awesome!!!..