Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Day Climbing In Squamish B.C..

I went out climbing for the first time this year. It was a great day, the sun was shining, and let me not forget about the great climbing partner I had. I met Kara early on Sunday morning. She came up to my place and we headed over to Murrin Park. We arrived at the sugarloaf, and we were the only ones there for a couple of hours before other climbers arrived. We climbed all the routes, and had a fun day. We toproped, and placed gear. Kara, had never done any leading before so I went up first, placed some gear and then I pulled the rope through and she tied in and led her first few climbs. kara did well. After that it was to the Brew Pub for beer, and burgers, and to reflect on what a great day we had!!.

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