Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Day Climbing In Squamish B.C..

I went out climbing for the first time this year. It was a great day, the sun was shining, and let me not forget about the great climbing partner I had. I met Kara early on Sunday morning. She came up to my place and we headed over to Murrin Park. We arrived at the sugarloaf, and we were the only ones there for a couple of hours before other climbers arrived. We climbed all the routes, and had a fun day. We toproped, and placed gear. Kara, had never done any leading before so I went up first, placed some gear and then I pulled the rope through and she tied in and led her first few climbs. kara did well. After that it was to the Brew Pub for beer, and burgers, and to reflect on what a great day we had!!.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Other Side Of The River...

I have found that floating the river is the best way to really see it and to get to know it. It seems that in the past couple of weekends, I have hooked up on a few more fish with the advantage of being able to get to the other side of the river. It allows you, to fish water that doesn't get fished all the time. So far all of the steelhead, and dollies, I have caught have been on the wild side of the river. It's fun to float along with the current, and let the river take you, on a peaceful and quiet, journey. There are many different types of water craft that are reasonable to float the river. I like the pontoon boat, it is very easily manouvered through tough sections of river. It is very stable and they handle great in fast currents. They also carry all your essential gear you, would need for your day on the river. It's great to be on the other side of the river!!!...