Saturday, February 7, 2009

Finding New Water, and Lots of BIG BULL TROUT.!!!!

I decided to go looking for new places to fish, on the Squamish River. I walked down below the Ashlu bridge, looking for the elusive or so it seems at times, the BIG BULL TROUT, of the upper Squamish. The past few weekends I have not seen that much action. Finally I fished some great spots that held lots of dollies, and big bull trout. I had to walk a fair ways to find where the fish were. I guess that's the whole idea. But in the end it was worth all the effort. All the water that I fished would be great water for steelhead. Today was great I hooked fish in every spot that I fished, and it didn't seem to matter what colour combination I used they were very aggressive, and hit every fly I put through the run. It was great because I finally found those bull trout that I have been looking for. I managed to hook up on alot of big ones around the 4, to 7lb class and the usual dollies, of about 2, to 4lb, class. I lost track of how many I actually had on but I am estimating the count to be somewhere in the area of at least 25 on and a bit more than half of them I landed. It was great to feel that familiar tug on the line. It was an awesome day. And I hope that there are many more to come.....

1 comment:

dereke said...

How did you do out there yesterday?? Could you send me some pics from Saturday? My email is Cant wait to try and find some steel next weekend!