Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Scenic Shots, and some fish.. Lower Squamish River.

Here are some other pictures, of the gang on the river catching a few pinks and having fun times..

Pinks 2015...

Pink fishing this year was a lot of fun.. Me, Ken, and Andy, and Jonathon were out there catching a few and just having some good times. The crowds were pretty big as they always are so me, Andy, and Ken took our pontoon boats out to get away from the crowds and fish some of the other spots on the other side of the river. We would have it all to ourselves and it was just us catching all the fish that were there. We saw some bears, from time to time, pretty cool watching them look for fish and check out what we were doing. It made for great days out there, just hanging out and chillin with the guys. Floating the river is awesome because you see things that you wouldn't normally see when you walk and fish.. It's called being on the wild side of the river.. Here are some scenic shots..

Monday, May 25, 2015

First Float Of 2015, with Ken.

Recently dusted off the old pontoon boat and did a float down the squamish river, from 27, mile down too the ashlu bridge. The river was in less than good shape, with water clarity not so good!!. It was a nice day and the sun was out so we figured what better thing to do than get out in the great outdoors, being in the middle of nowhere. I hadn't done that float yet this year and was wanting too see the changes since the last time I'd done it!!.. Here are some pics...

This Years Fishing!!..

Here's the update, for this year!!.. The salmon season saw what I would call a reasonable run of Chum, and Coho,. Caught a few Dollies, and Bull trout,. The river conditions were less than perfect, with water clarity not at it's best!!.. Fished the lower river a lot.. After I got tired of fishing lower I went up too the Upper Squamish and fished bullies. Found lots of good fishing and caught a ton of bullies, all over the river.. The clarity in the upper was at that time mostly clear and good visibility. Here's some pics..