Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Guide Files.. 1. 2013..

Here are some clients I had taken out, with Pat, one of the other guides that we have.. I took some out on my own as well...

Record Breaking Pink Run.. 2013.

This Years Pink run started in mid July, and went right through till just about October. It was fun out there because I started guiding, and that was great taking people out from all over. I had people from Texas, Arkansas, Boston, and Nova Scotia. Some of them had fly fished, before and some had not. I did 2 schools on the river and my clients were very surprised at how easy it was 2 hook up on a fish. The usual response would be is it like this all the time??.. I would say only when u r fishing for pinks. It seemed that the fun would never stop. These are some more cool shots, some are clients, some aren't...