Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rescue Mission, Lower Squamish River..

It all started out as one of my routine fishing days on the lower Squamish River. I met Jonathon, in the morning and when I saw him he said the river was up pretty high and flowing fast. We looked at it for awhile and there was no way that we could get to the the bar on the other side of what was now a raging side channel. Then things got alittle crazy. There were a bunch of people camping on the Island and they were stranded and couldn't get back over to the dyke. I saw Brian from Whistler Flyfishing, and then Pat showed up with his raft. He went to get everybody back from the Island, and then had to get all their gear over, and that took a few trips. There was one other guy that was fishing out there that I had to go and help pull him out of the river and back on the river bank. I waded out about halfway accross and grabbed him. Everybody was back on the bank, and some were alittle wet. After all that they were happy that we were there to help and we talked for awhile and hand shakes, and high fives all around. It was one of those flash floods that happened so fast after the five hours of heavy rain that fell the night before. The sun is shining and everything turned out well!!..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Squamish Climbers Festival Part 2..

The good times keep rolling, I went with Dave, and Tom, to see yet another collection of great films at the festival. The guest speaker was Ed Cooper, who did the first ascent of the grand wall on the Squamish Chief. It was one of the most prolific ascents of all time and put Squamish on the map as the best climbing area in BC. Some of the photoes that he showed were from his personal collection, and had never been seen before. It was great to hear of his other accomplishments that he has done in his life. I went climbing with Dave, on sunday and we had a great day in the Smoke Bluffs. We climbed a couple of routes at Ronins Corner one that was 510b we climbed it on toprope. It was fun but there wasn't much to hold onto slab climbing at it's best. Dave tried it first, and then I tried it and made it to the top it was awesome.. After that it was to the Brew Pub for a great steak dinner. A great end to another great outing with Dave..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Squamish Climbers Festival 2011'.

The climbers festival is here again, but the weather is not cooperating in the least. It's wet and damp out but it still is nice to be hangin' in Squamish. I have met a dude from Utah and we went to the Friday show at the Eagle Eye Theater, Dave Jones has made an appearance and went to the show with Tom, and myself. We are going to go to another show and hopefully we will get to touch rock, some time soon. On this day saturday, we have just been hangin' out went for breakfast at Big D's and then wandered over to the climbing shop to look around. We then went to the Adventure Center,. All in all it has been fun so far I have seen a few people that I haven't talked to for awhile. It's great to go out and see the films, and meet new people in some ways it's like a reunion of sorts. Hopefully the weather will get back to normal and everything gets dry again then it will be time to climb..