Friday, October 15, 2010

North Walls Project, Solo Mission... 1st Entry..

A few weeks ago I was up around the north walls area and I found something that I thought would make a fun climb. I came back the next day and started climbing, and cleaning a short section. As I was looking at what I had cleaned I found some cool features under all that moss, and dirt. I decided that this was going to be my solo mission. The first ten feet wasn't to difficult but I arrived at a few thin placements, in a thin crack. I wacked in some knifeblades, and hoped they would stick. And as luck would have it they did. I had a couple of days where it was raining and all the mud was casscading down the wall and all over me. It was fun I liked having a project to work on it took up most of my two week holiday. I felt like I was on a mission everyday going up there to work on it for a few hours. I was getting really good at setting up anchors in the crack so that I could leave my rope up there and get back up to where I left off. Most of what I used for anchors were pins, knifeblades and lost arrows. Maybe not the best choice of gear, but it was all that worked..