Friday, December 5, 2008

A day on the river with Luke from England.

A week a go I fished the Squamish, with Luke from England. We went to fish the 24, mile area and we had an awseome day. We caught a few nice dollies, on the fly. Luke had never fished with a fly rod before, and I had to show him how to cast.It was fun showing someone, something that they had never expierenced before. It was fun for me because I was the guy showing him where to cast, and it was great to see him catch a few all on his own. I really enjoyed having the opportunity, to take Luke out on the river. We had fun, it was a great day, and he was happy to have caught fish. After the day was done we went to the Howe sound Brew Pub, for some food, and a cold beer. A great time was had by all.